The Ultimate Animal Logo Design Guide

Why would you want an animal logo? Well, for starters you could be in the pet/animal industry obviously. Secondly, you can piggyback on what the animal is able to convey about your company and the brand. If you think about it, even animals are in a way already established brands that represent various values and beliefs. In this article, we have put together The Ultimate Animal Logo Design Guide.
For example,what words come to your mind when you think of a Tiger? poise, culture, strength, etc. Similarly, for an Eagle? Imperial, royal, patriotism, etc. However, you must be careful while designing your logo because it a very powerful branding asset that will be immensely impactful in the company’s success.

Now you may be a pet food company looking to get started on your logo or a brand consultant looking to design an animal-related logo for a tech company, you have come to the right place. This article is the ultimate animal logo guide
1. Your Brand
The first part of the step may the hardest or the easiest really depends on how well you know your own company -You need to understand what your brand represents and stands for. It’s okay if you don’t really know yet, you must brainstorm and find definitive answers. You must ensure that these are values that your clients and employees can relate to and stand behind. So, sit down with a piece of paper, find inspiration within you and write down the words that pop up in your mind about your brand and its representation.
2. The Type of Logo
There are various kinds of logos that you can choose from, the following are a few -
Symbols — Can be simple or complex and its a powerful form of logo design, however, you must make sure you create something that is memorable for the audience. Example — Apple, Nike

Wordmark — If you have an uncomplicated and universal name for your company, which is hard to find, you can simply have your name as the logo. Example — Google, Disney

Monogram — Companies with long names, often abbreviate and come up with a two or two alphabet name and then design their logos around that. Example –HP, LG

Mascots — Having whimsical characters and cartoons to help reach out to a certain demographic. This would be a great choice for a pet food company. Example –KFC, Burger King

Emblem — This is not a very common design choice but it can be very powerful. Brands often use this to display the legacy and heritage it carries with itself. Example –Harley Davidson, Starbucks

Combination — As the name would suggest, mix and match different kinds of logos to create something unique and your own. Example — Mastercard, Pizza Hut

3. Choose your animal (or not)
If you are in the pet/animal industry, it is not necessary that you have an animal in your logo but it does make sense if you do of course. A cute little furry dog on the face of the dog food packaging would make it more appealing to the potential customer. Ironically, some of the most famous pet companies do not have animals as their logos example — Royal Canin, Pedigree.

On the other hand, if you do decide to go for an animal, please make sure you understand its representation and the historical and societal significance. For example, a pig is unfortunately considered a filthy and disgraced animal in the Muslim culture for some reason!, When in fact contrary to popular belief, pigs are unable to sweat; instead, they roll around in the mud to cool down. Their mucky appearance gives pigs an unfair reputation for slovenliness. In fact, pigs are some of the cleanest animals around, refusing to excrete anywhere near their living or eating areas when given a choice.
Cows are considered religious for the Hindus. So, doing in-depth research will be imperative before finalising this decision to ensure you make the right decision.
4. Logo Colour
You could say that the colour of the logo could be just as important as the entire logo itself when I reality what the logo represents and how it visually conveys this message is more important as a focus and colour is secondary. If a logo needs to rely on colour to work then it’s not quite as effective as a design.
If colour is a must for your logo then it must also display the values you want the brand to represent and this is done on a very subconscious level. For example, Blue is the most common used colour when it comes to logo design, it represents trust, stability, calmness, and knowledge. Yellow and Red are supposed to be associated with food and hunger and are hence present in many fast-food chain logos. Similarly, each colour has a story to tell but you must ensure that your brand’s story is aligned with it.
5. Create multiple Designs
Do not restrict your imagination and creativity, try creating several renditions of your logo. If you are working with a consultant then make sure you let your vision and ideas flow as openly as possible. You must be honest and direct with yourself and the people you are working with to create the best possible version of your brand’s logo.
6. Feedback
After you have finalised the best logo design concepts, the next step is to get feedback and finalise a logo concept. This is a very important step in the creation of the logo or any creative process in general. You must get honest feedback from potential customers (ideally) so that it can be incorporated to create the best possible logo for your brand. At the same time, you must also be open to criticism because it will be good for you and your brand in the long run.
7. Originality and scalability
Please feel free to take inspiration from other logos and brands, but please ensure that you do not end up plagiarising anybody’s intellectual content because that can have serious consequences. At the same time, your logo will be presented on every collateral you have so must also ensure that it is scalable.
The process of designing an animal logo is actually not all the different from designing a logo in general but there are of course certain things that you need to consider. You must consider all the points that have been mentioned above and only then come up with the final product. However, ensure that you do not rush into creating the logo because it will stick with your brand for a very long time. You have to be 100% confident and happy with the final product and should present it to the world with pride.
We hope The Ultimate Animal Logo Design Guide has been helpful, and be sure to leave your comments below.
Author Bio
Anoop Nain is a Content Consultant. He is also a proud father of four rescued dogs and two Flemish giant rabbits. Besides being a full-time dog father and rabbit home planner, he is a freelance content writer and an educationist, with more than 6 years’ experience in the field of content writing.
Originally published at The Logo Creative | International Logo Design & Branding Studio.